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Systems Thinking Quarterly Dec 2011 - The wellbeing Issue
This issue of the Quarterly focuses upon wellbeing
A summary of POLICING IN AUSTERITY, a Vanguard event, Birmingham, 13 September 2011
Simon Caulkin with a write-up from the Policing event held earlier this year
Read outcome of Guardian online shared services debate
John Seddon took part in the live online Guardian debate on shared services. It makes for disturbing reading.
Using Systems Thinking to Redesign Food Inspection Work
The Local Better Regulation Office (LBRO) has produced this case study on the innovative work done using the Vanguard Method in Great Yarmouth Food Safety
White Paper: 1000 Lives Plus and the NHS Agenda – Lessons from Systems Thinking
The White Paper has captured the ideas and insights of a seminar held with Professor John Seddon
Campaign for a Better Way to Universal Credit
A campaign for the Single Universal Credit to be delivered face-to-face and not online or in call centres
NEW BOOK: Systems Thinking: From Heresy to Practice: Public and Private Sector Studies (hardcover)
Academic treatment of Vanguard systems thinking case studies AVAILABLE NOW
What makes people curious?
We asked what got people curious about systems thinking. The result of that research is this report
John Seddon evidence to the Treasury sub-Committee investigation on HMRC
Service expert Professor John Seddon has given evidence to the Treasury sub Committee formed to investigate what has gone wrong with HMRC
MANAGING FOR THE BETTER: Reflections on the Vanguard Leaders Summit
The journalist Simon Caulkin (one of the best journalists on systems thinking) reflects upon the leaders summit
Portsmouth City Council wins first ever global management innovation prize
Owen Buckwell and Portsmouth City Council have won the prize for the Leadership Category of the world's first management innovation prize
Systems Thinking at work in Nottingham
AdviceUK have transformed their advice service using Vanguard Systems Thinking. They have produced a great cartoon that explains it all
What got you curious?
John Seddon asks for your recollections, reflections and remembrances of what first made you become3 curious about systems thinking
Systems Thinking Quarterly June 2010
June 2010 edition of the Systems Thinking Quarterly
Welsh Audit Office publish academic evaluation of Vanguard systems thinking
A report featuring commissioned academic research and case studies on how to improve public services and reduce costs using a Vanguard Systems Thinking approach
Learning to Let Go
The CAA regime is unhelpfully judgmental and manifestly unfair, says a report launched today called “Learning to let go.