The Lean Toolhead Collection John Seddon has written extensively on the damage caused by Lean toolheads, these articles are now collected together for the first time
Why do we believe in economy of scale? Professor John Seddon asks why do we believe in economies of scale? The answer is of crucial importance to the UK public sector
Doing the wrong things righter? Dr. Keivan Zokaei and Professor Melanie Fritz discuss lean and argue that value is a more effective focus
Inspection at the End of Time Dr. Niall MacKinnon proposes a systems thinking methodology for school inspection to take the place of the current regime
Organisations that Work Professor John Carlisle of Cooperation Works Ltd argues that the assumptions that got us into this mess need to change and this can only be done by cooperation and trust
Fresh Thinking About Schooling Maurice Holt describes two profoundly different approaches to schooling, the current 'fast food' approach and a more enlightened 'slow food' approach.