Articles about Lean have now been collected together in one space for convenience
Video of why lean tools do not work I used to be a toolhead but I am alright now
John Seddon regularly writes about the excesses of Lean proponents in his newsletters, sign-up here
Professor John Seddon
February 2007 Tools for fools: Takt time
June 2007 Watch out for the Toolheads
John Seddon July 2009 Rethinking Lean Service
John Seddon July 2009 Rethinking Lean Service *Podcast*
John Seddon March 2010 How Lean became Mean
John Seddon May 2010 Why Lean is a wicked disease
John Seddon February 2012 Debate: Academia can tax one's patience
Other authors
April 2010 Dr. Keivan Zokaei and Professor Melanie Fritz Doing the Wrong Things Righter
March 2011 Mathew deBord Lean Production: Another casualty of the Japanese Quake?
March 2011 Matthew deBord Chain Chain Chain: The Post-quake auto-parts crisis Grinds on
Feb 2011 Carter & Danford et al, Lean and Mean in the Civil Service: the case of processing in HMRC in Public Money and Management
In the Press
June 2008, Gregor Gall, In the Name of Efficiency, The Guardian
Mrch 2011, Solidarity Magazine, As hospitals go 'Lean' and squeeze workers, unions see potential for organizing, Solidarity Magazine
October 2011, Michael McCollough, Lean Manufacturing's oversized claims, Canadian Business