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Published: Mon, 28th Mar 2011
Vanguard Method and Care Services Conference

For more information (pdf)

For Booking (pdf)

Tuesday 10th May 2011, 9am - for 9:30am start The Conference Centre, Villiers Hotel, Buckingham

The Challenge

Care services face significant challenges. How can good quality services be delivered in an age of austerity? Will care have to be rationed? Would the private sector do a better job? How can health and social care work together for the benefit of the cared-for? is there a better way?

A change in Phlosophy 

The Munro review of children's services is taking a systems approach. Clear evidence of the weighty bureaucracy creating the wrong focus will lead to less bureaucratic means of regulation. The review should lead to a return to fundamentals, caring will be at the forefront of a fresh approach.

The Vanguard Method provides the means to a better philosophy and better practice. In this unique one-day seminar you will learn:

  • What pioneers have learned from studying care services as systems
  • How this knowledge leads to better designs based on true citizen needs
  • How these new 'systems' designs have the potential to drive costs out while improving care provision
  • What steps to take in your organisation

To READ more click here

To BOOK click here 

