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Comment and submissions

The idea for an on-line magazine dedicated to systems thinking arose from the resistance of current public sector media to publish points of view that conflict with their assumptions about management and work. Public Sector assumptions are progressively changing as new systems thinking interventions (there are different sorts) in different public sector organisations are beginning to produce starling results. We firmly believe that all in the UK public sector wish to provide great services that solve the problem for the service user. Systems Thinking is a powerful method for achieving such change, and as quality increases costs decrease.

The Systems Thinking Review aims to be the place where all things systems thinking can find the space and opportunity to inspire, create curiosity or generally support a community of the inquisitive.  

Whilst some or many of the articles, commentary and letters will promote the work and learning of organisations and people working with Vanguard, we hope that others will contribute to broaden systems thinking knowledge.

The more that organisations and individuals contribute, the more encouragement will be provided to public sector organisations taking their first steps. As we learn together, we hope that this learning will encourage policy makers to be brave and find a better way to form policy. Policy formation based upon profound knowledge. 

We invite people to contribute articles on their learning from systems thinking or observations and thinking about work.

I am happy to take questions or suggestions from readers. For example you may want to see an interview or podcast with a specific person or on a specific topic, gain the views of a systems thinker on something happening in your workplace, or are interested in seeing an issue investigated in-depth.

Howard Clark 





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