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Systems Thinking in Action

"We were all so busy, we just didn't know" Seeing the whole system always comes as a surprise
It is normal to be focused on your work and be unaware of true performance. Using the Vanguard Method to study always leads to surprise at true performance More
Targets Don’t Work: A tale of three public sector systems
Targets are back in the news again. Everybody has an opinion. The truth is, when you study, you find targets don't work. More
Already motivated - Ditch your engagement programmes and change the system
This is a video of engaged people. Did their council do 'employee engagement'? No. They changed the system. More
How do we change thinking?
How do we change thinking? In most systems 95% of performance can be attributed to the system and as little as 5% is affected by the individual worker. More
Professor John Seddon speaking at Lean & Kanban 2011 - AGILEMinds
Professor John Seddon speaks about software and IT at the AGILEminds conference More

In The Press

Quality Remix: More on Quality – The End of Lean?
Quality magzine, 11th September 2010, Douglas Burleigh writes that he thinks 'lean is near the end of its cycle of popularity'. More
The biggest cause of shared services failure?
Howard Clark writing at Calchas blog with a post suggesting shared services may be an poorly understood efficiency solution applied to an effectiveness problem. More
Deeply Dippy from Dangerous Data
Ian Gilson over at Perfect Flow decided to run some economic data through some run charts. His findings are interesting. More

Systems Thinking Videos

Introducing The Systems Thinking Review
Professor John Seddon, MD of Vanguard More


Podcasts available in ITunes

Rethinking Lean Service
Professor John Seddon talks about 'Rethinking Lean Service', how systems thinking requires lean to be reconsidered and how such a reexamination shows up where lean went wrong More

Current News

Read outcome of Guardian online shared services debate
John Seddon took part in the live online Guardian debate on shared services. It makes for disturbing reading. More
New by Stuart Corrigan: The Need for Change
Something new from Stuart Corrigan released on the 15th June 2012 More
Systems Thinking Quarterly Dec 2011 - The wellbeing Issue
This issue of the Quarterly focuses upon wellbeing More
A summary of POLICING IN AUSTERITY, a Vanguard event, Birmingham, 13 September 2011
Simon Caulkin with a write-up from the Policing event held earlier this year More


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Book Review

Out of the Crisis
John Seddon reviews W. Edward Deming's classic 'Out of the Crisis' More

Ask The Expert

Jeremy Cox answers
Vanguard's Jeremy Cox answers this month's question: How important to the success of change is the design of the change program itself? More

Submitted Articles

John Seddon: August Newsletter an essay on The Big Society
John Seddon dedicated his August newsletter to worrying developments that will severely impact the development of the Big Society More
The Lean Toolhead Collection
Articles about problems with Lean method have now been collected together in one space for convenience. More


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